NB! Due to a bug in Upcoming, I've had to close the guestlist. PLEASE CHECK ON THE DAY as we may have to change the venue.
Art created algorithmically, that's what we're all about next Tuesday. No longer do you need a beret, a drafty Parisian garret and a chronic alcohol problem to create artistic masterpieces. If you've got a computer, the 'Big Bumper Book of Maffs' and a virtuoso mentor to guide you, you've got all you need to give Monet a run for his money. And here at FlashBrighton we've got all three; we've dug out an old Amstrad, our GCSE geometry textbook and got mathematical maestro Matt Pearson in to show us how to use them!
Having conquered the the blogosphere with his 'DIMA Blog of the Year' ZenBullets.com, Matt is turning his award-winning attention from words to images. Since last October Matt has been contributing one new generative artwork per week to his abandonedart.org site, in a bid to eventually populate the site with 100 such artworks. With 27 pieces under his belt already, he's the obvious choice to show you how to generate generative art.
Matt will show you his algorithms, methods and techniques; but what he really wants to share is the sense of fun and inventiveness that comes from working with generative art. The session is therefore intended to be code-free* and open to everyone; designer, developer & long-distance lorry driver alike.
It will also be MATT'S BIRTHDAY, hurrah! For that reason there'll be beer, chips and hookahs†on hand for attendees. We'll also be moving out of the Werks for a week and wandering up the road to Unwrong's plush bachelor pad to aid the requisite 'kick back n chill' atmosphere.
So leave yer laptop at home and come celebrate another 365.25 days on the planet for our ZenBullets by signing up for the session here and now!
* - there will be some maths but sssssh, don't tell anyone!
†- hookahs not included
Official Website: http://www.flashbrighton.org/wordpress/?p=207
Added by flashbrighton on January 21, 2009
I'm heading down from some random location up north but I will try to come to this if I make it back at a reasonable time.