Wall Street Area
New York, New York

On December 29, 2008, at 2:00 p.m., Phuong Nghi Pham – 13--year-old pianist – will perform a half-hour recital at TD Bank, 2 Wall Street. Phuong Nghi is the first recipient of The Max Reger Foundation of America’s John C Holtz Young Artists Award and studies music at the New England Conservatory Preparatory Division, in Boston. The program will include works by Bach, Chopin, Liszt and Reger.

Phuong Nghi Pham began her piano lessons at the age of five in Vietnam, where she won many prizes in competitions, including First Prize in the Yamaha Cup in 2004. She moved to the United States with her parents in 2004. Phuong Nghi studies piano with Clara Slater at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School where she is enrolled in the full Certificate program. In 2007 she was the only student from her elementary school to receive the Mayor of Boston Award for Academic Achievement and this fall, Phuong Nghi began her studies at Boston Latin School.

The program is free and open to the public.

The Max Reger Foundation of America (MRFOA) is a not-for-profit music organization, which helps musicians of all ages fulfill their dreams and goals. MRFOA's programs offer assistance to less-fortunate children who wish to develop their musical talent and education, and to professional musicians for their outstanding achievements in performance and programming.


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Official Website: http://www.maxreger.org

Added by latincutie313 on December 16, 2008

Interested 2