28 East 39th Street
New York, New York 10016
February 5, 2013

Building Bridges Between Body and Psyche at C.G. Jung Foundation

March 5, 2013

The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey at C.G. Jung Foundation

March 16, 2013

Healing Through the Dark Emotions at C.G. Jung Foundation

April 2, 2013

Life after Death-C.G. Jung's Viewpoint at C.G. Jung Foundation

April 20, 2013

The Jungian as Scientist and Humanist at C.G. Jung Foundation

May 4, 2013

Seeing and Being Seen in Intimate Relationships at C.G. Jung Foundation

May 7, 2013

Zen and C.G. Jung: Clear Seeing, Clear Writing at C.G. Jung Foundation

July 15, 2013

Dreaming the Dream Forward at C.G. Jung Foundation