4459 Fremont Ave North, Suite 2
Seattle, Washington 98103

It's springtime! Time to build your energy, relieve your allergies, and shake off that winter sludge with some Spring Cleaning - from the inside out. Exposure to everyday chemicals including first- or secondhand smoke, pesticides in our food, chlorine and pharmaceuticals in our water, and industrial pollution in our air, puts our health at risk. The American Cancer Society estimates that 75% of cancers are due to environmental exposures. A Detox will not eliminate our risks, but we can improve our odds by activating and tuning up our innate detoxification systems.

Benefits of detoxification programs vary, but Cleansers often experience:
** Relief from allergies
** More energy
** Improved mental clarity
** Fewer headaches
** Better sleep quality
** Great reduction in digestive symptoms
** and often as a side benefit: WEIGHT LOSS

1) Come to the free introductory session on Sunday, April 12 at 5pm, for full details on what we'll be doing in this group food-based Detox program, and why.
2) The group Detox proram itself begins April 19th or April 26th and runs for 4 consecutive weeks. This part is not free. See www.lumina-health.com for more information.

Official Website: http://www.lumina-health.com

Added by DrDeborahEpstein on March 31, 2009

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