Zombies Love Kitties Too!
Saturday, July 29th, 2006
Join us Saturday July 29th as zombies rise from the dead to raise awareness and funds for the Toronto Cat Rescue. We invite ghouls of all ages to participate in our undead horde as we swarm Queen Street West, followed by a twisted after party and screening of Intercessor. For more information and registration, please send an email:
[email protected]
Check-In – 4:30pm
The Dead Walk – 5:00pm
Wrapping up / After Party – 6:30pm
Movie Screening – 7:00pm
The Toronto Cat Rescue is a no-kill all-volunteer network of foster homes dedicated to helping abandoned and rescued cats and kittens, providing them with all their veterinary needs in preparation for adoption. For more information about their adoption and fostering programs, or to make a donation to this charity, please visit:
Event Details:
1. Once we receive your registration email (with name, age, and phone number), you will be sent a confirmation email with the event waiver attached. All participants or their legal guardians (if participant is under 16 years of age) will be required to sign the event waiver, which will be required the day of the event.
2. Also attached to the confirmation email will be the official Toronto Cat Rescue pledge form. There will be a special prize for the highest total, and a minimum requirement of $10 in pledges to participate. Sponsors should be assured that all proceeds will be donated to the Toronto Cat Rescue, and that tax receipts are available to donations of $10 or more. Pledge forms and money will be collected the day of the event at check-in.
3. The event will take place Saturday, Julye 29th. We will begin gathering in costume at the Metropolitan United Church Park (56 Queen Street East , near Yonge Street) at 4:30pm . Pledge forms and money will be collected at the check-in table, where you will also be assigned a toe tag.
4. Toronto Cat Rescue representatives will be distributed among the zombie procession, talking to pedestrians, taking photos and collecting more donations. Once we are all organized and given final instructions, we will filter out onto Queen Street around 5pm and slowly walk up to Bathurst Street (>1.5 miles). Expected arrival time is 6:30pm.
5. All participants with valid toe tags will be admitted to an all-ages after party at Funhaus, 256 Queen Street West. Special guests from Thrill T.O. are set to perform "Triller" for us, followed by refreshments and snacks as we settle in for a special screening of Intercessor (PG-16): top-seller on b-movie.com and rated -50 (worst movie of all time) by somethingawful.com. The movie will start around 7pm, followed by a grand-total announcement and a Q&A session with cast and crew of Intercessor. We will disperse thereafter (~ 9:30pm) as the bar prepares for its nightly events. Zombies will also be granted free admittance to Panic at Funhaus.
Zombie Costuming and Conduct:
1. Zombies will supply their own clothes, makeup, fake blood, mask, etc. Arrive to the event in costume and apply final touches prior to starting the walk. Don't forget to wear sun block and dress appropriately for the weather.
2. It would be recommended to avoid extra baggage, and we encourage zombies to incorporate extra pocket space into their costumes to carry wallet, bottle of water, extra makeup, etc. Refrain from indecent exposure, vulgarity and blatantly offensive costumes.
3. Zombies should spread out along both sidewalks and keep in character: groaning incoherently, dragging your feet, staring vacant at store windows, bumping into lampposts, waiting at TTC stops, etc. Zombies are not to harass or touch pedestrians, without their expressed permission (such as when a photo is requested). Refrain from entering businesses and loitering by their entrances/exits. When crossing the street, obey traffic signals and use designated crosswalks. Take your time along this hour and a half walk, so that Toronto Cat Rescue representatives can talk to pedestrians, take pictures and collect money.
Next step for you is to email
[email protected] with your name, age and phone number in order to register for the event, or decline as the case may be. You will then receive a confirmation email with both the official pledge form and event waiver, which you'll need to bring the day of the event. Thank you again for your interest!
Official Website: http://www.torontocatrescue.ca