10101 North 90th Street
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258

”As the words flowed from Sheila/THEO, I felt them penetrate to the core of my being. A feeling of love flowed to me and through me like nothing I had ever felt before.” - Esther Hicks, the channel for Abraham, from the book “Ask and it is Given.”

Guiding us through the most profound shift of consciousness and spiritual awakening ever before experienced on our planet are the twelve Archangels collectively known as THEO. Following her near death experience in 1969, world renowned spiritual medium and author Sheila Gillette became the direct voice channel for these angelic mentors.

Your Experience Will Include:
A Vibrational "Quickening"
Guided Meditations with THEO
The Opportunity for Personal Questioning
Communication with Deceased Love Ones
Answers to Life's Greatest Mysteries & Spiritual Inquiries

When: Sunday March 30, 2008 from 1:30pm until 4:30pm
Where: Mustang Library - 10101 North 90th Street
Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
Cost: $50
Details: Visit http://www.asktheo.com/ or call (720) 344-2932

Your hosts: Sheila and Marcus Gillette are co-founders of the THEO Group and asktheo.com. Sheila is also the author of "The 5th Dimensions: Channels to a New Reality."

Go to: http//www.asktheo.com and listen to Esther Hicks in the new DVD "Introducing Abraham: The Secret Behind The Secret?" as she talks about her life-changing experiences with Sheila and THEO.

Official Website: http://www.asktheo.com

Added by CathyP on February 25, 2008

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