1691 Phoenix Blvd, Suite 390
Atlanta, Georgia 30349

One video is worth a thousand photos, and YouTube is the perfect outlet to tell your story. It has become the second largest search engine with millions of eyeballs every day. In this session, you’ll learn at your own pace, step by step, how to set up your channel the right way the first time. You’ll leave with all the skills you’ll need to showcase your talents, promote your cause, or preserve precious memories.

See Website for Other Dates, Locations, etc.

Who Is This Training For?
The nature of this training makes it perfect for business professionals and business owners. You must be computer savvy.

Event Producers. Build up the excitement.

Job Seekers. Highlight your skills.

Journalists. Showcase your talents.

Nonprofits. Promote your cause.

Professional Speakers. Show them what you can do.

Reunion Organizers. Relive every moment.

Small Business Owners. Promote what you know.

Students. For all of the above.

Bring your laptop. Fee includes an ebook with step-by-step instructions and screen captures.

Official Website: http://CreateMyChannel.com

Added by Peggy Duncan on October 2, 2011

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