8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

You’re So Vain
(You probably think this art is about you)
Showing from Sept 10 – Oct 1
Opening Reception: Fri, Sept 10 from 6-10pm

Seattle artists Kate Protage and Chris Sheridan team up to curate their 2nd show at Bherd Studios Gallery in September. “You’re So Vain” looks at more than 10 different artists’ interpretations of portraiture in the modern art world, and how their technical, stylistic and symbolic choices reflect the “truths” of their subjects.

Protage and Sheridan have chosen to display a wide range of styles and genres in “You’re So Vain,” with work ranging from urban contemporary to pop surrealism to classical, and everything in between. Artists address a variety of different thematic concepts behind modern portraiture—humor, vanity, morality, spirituality and social commentary to name a few—and reveal the fact that portraiture is not bound to a single, tightly defined space in contemporary art. It is everywhere, and can mean many things.

“You’re So Vain” runs from September 10th to October 1st at Bherd Studios Gallery in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle, and includes the art of: Daniel Carrillo, Jonathan Collis, Chris Crites, Troy Gua, Lucien Knuteson, Wyatt Landis, Mary McIntyre, John Osgood, Brian Thies, Joey Veltkamp, Redd Walitzki, Daniel John Williams.

For more info visit: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on August 16, 2010

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