40 St. George Street 40 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario

Please join this exciting ToRCHI Event !

EVENT: Your Thinking... helped by technology.
Formal title: Towards the Design of Electronic Cognitive Prostheses

DATE, TIME: Wednesday February 28, 2007, 6:30pm - 9:00pm.

How will technology help your thinking in the future? ...particularly
If you're over-worked, getting older, or impaired by disease?

Come and experience how technology will support your thinking processes
-- Memory -- Organization -- Communication -- Ability to find objects --
Ability to complete daily activities.

We are very fortunate to have this presentation by Ronald Baecker
- a world-leading researcher in the field.

Ron presents his current work on developing technological systems to
function as cognitive prostheses. For example, existing cell phone and
PDA software helps manage and access addresses, phone numbers, and
appointments, but has only limited and rigid functionality. The goal of
the project is to design and construct more powerful and flexible
electronic cognitive aids.

Can these future designs... improve your current projects?
Come and find out.
We hope you can join us.


FEE: Free for ToRCHI members
Guests: $10 Students, $15 ACM members, $20 General.
(Fees include a 1-year ToRCHI membership).

- Address: 40 St. George Street (Bahen Centre), Room 2139 (2nd floor).
- Via TTC: From St. George subway station, walk south to #40, 5 mins,
on west side.
- Via Car: Park on nearby roads or parking lots (see map):

MAP of Building + Subways:
MAP of Parking Lots:


ABSTRACT of the Presentation:

(1) Outline of the project:
-Which cognitive functions will be supported (memory, disease, aging).
-The users, technology and design process.
-Will the technology: be a prosthesis, rehabilitate or prevent

(2) Examples of related projects underway:
-Aids for individuals with amnesia.
-DVD-based multimedia biographies.
-Cell phone software to support normally aging seniors.

(3) Conclude with sketches of other projects that await funding.

Full Abstract: http://www.torchi.org/index.php

PRESENTER BIO: Prof. Ron Baecker

-Professor of Computer Science, Bell University Laboratories Chair in
Human-Computer Interaction.
-Founder and Chief Scientist of the Knowledge Media Design Institute
at the University of Toronto.
-Affiliate Scientist with the Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit of
the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, and was during the first half
of 2006 on academic leave as Visiting Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience,
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons.
-Principal Investigator of the CDN$5.5M Canada-wide NSERC Network for
Effective Collaboration Technologies through Advanced Research
-Named one of the 60 Pioneers of Computer Graphics by ACM SIGGRAPH.
-Elected to the CHI (Computers and Human Interaction) Academy by ACM
-Awarded the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society
Achievement Award.
-He has published over 125 papers and articles.
-Author or co-author of four books.
-Co-holder of 2 patents.
-Founded and ran two software companies.
-Current entrepreneurial venture is a virtual non-profit foundation
within the University of Toronto to distribute and support the open
source ePresence Interactive Media system (http://epresence.tv).
-Ron's B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. are from M.I.T.

Official Website: http://torchi.org/index.php

Added by gabriel on February 27, 2007