4800 Burnet Road
Austin, Texas

Soigne Boutique and Slate Men's Apparel (4800 Burnet Road; 512. 300.2929) , recently featured on News 8 (http://www.news8austin...) invites shoppers to come out of winter hibernation and celebrate Spring like every good fashion fan should -- by shopping for new spring clothes, sipping complimentary champagne and drinking beer. It's the stuff a fashion conscious guy and gal's dreams are made of! On Thursday March 20 from 7 pm to 9 pm, bargain hunters can take 15% off of all spring fashions, excluding jewelry. To add a Southwest flava', New Mexico's Gruet Winery will conduct a champagne tasting and a beer tasting will be conducted by Austin's own Independence Brewery.

Goodbye winter. Heeelllooo spring!

Who: Soigne' Boutique and Slate Men's Apparel

What: Come out of Winter Hibernation and Celebrate Spring with a Champagne and

Beer Tasting

When: Thursday March 20, 2008. 7pm - 9pm

Where: 4800 Burnet Road; 512. 300. 2929

Official Website: http://www.soigneaustin.com

Added by Jettefaith on March 13, 2008

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