3260 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22201

find flight with this dynamic vinyasa workshop. this workshop is designed to safely break down the basics of arm balances and inversions. the inversion focus shall include: urdva mukha vrksasana/ handstand, pincha mayurasana/ forearm stand, sirsasana/ shoulder stand, and the king of all asana sirsasana/ headstand. the arm balance focus shall include: bakasana/ crow, koundinyasana/ scissors, parsva bakasana/ side crow, and astra vrkasana/ 8-limb staff. work on cultivating your core strength, getting to know your bandas while develop intuitive trust, in the midst of a vinyasa flow.

$35, $30 online.

Official Website: http://www.tranquilspace.com

Added by jhaile on August 16, 2009

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