5511 Lynn Rd.
Tampa, Florida 33624

Swami Mukundananda, the founder of ‘Jagadguru Kripalu Yog’ (JKY), will conduct Yoga-Meditation Sessions and deliver Spiritual Lecture on 'The Path To Happiness’, between 13th-17th of September, 2009, in Tampa, FL.

Learn the Spiritual Aspects of Yoga with Unique Techniques to rejuvenate and recharge subtle organs of your finer being such as mind & intelligence through ‘Subtle-Body Relaxation©’ and ‘Divine Meditation©’. SBR and Roop-Dhyan are the two unique yogic techniques inducted by Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, who is the Fifth Principal & Universal Guru in past Five-thousand Years.

The Event consists of four 60 minute Sessions of Yoga, Meditation, and Subtle-Body Relaxation and a Five Day Spiritual Lecture Series entitled ‘The Path To Happiness’. Both the events are FREE and you are most welcome…For yoga sessions, please register yourself online here at: http://jkyog.org/events_tampa.html

‘Wellness for life: Reach the Treasure Within’™ is a holistic Life-style revealed by the ‘Jagadguru Kripalu Yog’ (JKY). This Complete Life-style to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul, has been calibrated by synthesizing different schools of ancient Yoga such as Ashtang Yoga, Samkhya Yoga, Dhyan Yog and others.

Unlike most of the contemporary teachings of yoga that do not go any farther than Asanas and Pranayam, JKY emphasizes on the Spiritual Dimensions of Yoga through simplified yoga techniques such as Subtle Body Relaxation, Roop-Dhyan, Di-Vibe Asanas & Pranayam, a Lecture on Food-Science and elaborate Lectures on the Spirituality, Science of the Soul & God Realization and Devotion.

It is also pertinent to add here that Swami Mukundananda is to, apart from here, deliver Spiritual lectures at Other Three Venues, too, but on different core subjects such as 'The Science of God Realization', 'Yoga: The Philosophy of Life' and 'Science & Spirituality'.More on these events can be found at: http://jky-fl.eventbrite.com

• Swami Mukundananda:

Swami Mukundananda, having obtained Engineering degree from IIT, Delhi and Management Degree from IIM, Kolkata, opted out of a covetable material life in his early twenties to embrace Spirituality & Bhakti-yog. After searching for his Guru throughout India for around six years, he finally met his Guru, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. Swami Mukundananda then studied the Vedic Science and other philosophies at the Lotus Feet of the Fifth Principal & Original Universal Guru, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

Having been ordered by his Beloved Spiritual Master, Swamiji has been spreading the ‘Vedic Knowledge’ globally. Traveling continuously, conducting Yoga-Meditation Sessions and lecturing on the Science of Devotion & God Realization, Swamiji has been changing lives of thousands of souls for more than past twenty-five years.

Swamiji has been on the US Yog Tour for over Three Months, now. Between September 12-17, he is to visit Florida to conduct Yoga-Meditation Sessions and will also deliver Spiritual lectures on difference esoteric subjects such as Yoga, Spirituality and Devotion. These sessions and Lecture Programs are organized by ‘Jagadguru Kripalu Yog’. Get complete Schedule here on http://jky-tampa-fl.eventbrite.com


Jagadguru Kripalu Yog is a Non-Profit Organization, founded by Swami Mukundananda under the Graceful Guidance and Order of his Guru, Jagadguru Shree Kripalu jee Maharaj. JKY is incorporated with the sole motive of Spiritually Elevating the souls of the entire world.

Having Her origin from Jagadguru Kripalu Yog Trust, India, JKY, USA strives to achieve Her mission of spreading Vedic Yog consciousness across the North America & the World.

Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Jee Maharaj, who nurtured the seed of this Missionary Movement, is the Fifth Principal & Original Jagadguru of the Sanatan Vedic Dharm. He is only the Fifth Person in past five-thousand years to have been honored with this Divine Title of Jagadguru (meaning the Universal Teacher of the Vedic Science.)

Along with endeavoring to achieve the Missionary Goals, JKYT conducts multiple philanthropic activities such as feeding the poor & less privileged, Financial Aid in Calamity Hit areas, conducting cataract removal camp, blood-donation camp and many more.

Yoga: It’s Meaning & Purpose:

Ancient Vedic Scriptures define Yoga (actually Yog’) as Union between the individual soul (jeevatma) and the Cosmic Being (Paramatma). Yoga is the science revealed by God Himself, known as the Vedas. Yoga actually comprises of more than just Asansas and Pranayam…Asana & Pranayam are only the beginning (3rd and 4th echelons) of the Spiritual Journey.

Unfortunately, the present Yoga curriculum fails to go beyond the Asanas and Pranayams… Yoga Practice authentically begins with Yam and Niyam (sensory and habitual abstinence for deeper purification of mind), but most of the yoga schools start right away with Asanas and Pranayam, dumping the basic requirement of Yog.

• Physical, Psychological, Para-psychological and Spiritual Benefits of Yoga: While the Asanas and Pranayam can, to an extent, help us maintain a fit body and a healthy mind, they fail to address our finer components such as habits, tendencies, desires etc. And as these finer infirmities in these finer components remain unattended, our innate diseases such as lust, anger, pride, jealousy, passion etc. fail to be healed, resulting in depression and number of other psychological and other diseases. Jagadguru Kripalu Yog elucidates practical means to tackle our instinctive diseases sown deep within our mind.

Jagadguru Kripaluji Maharaj, the Pioneer of JKY suggests that Yoga be:

• Authentic: Corresponding to the Vedic Texts and not merely a new-age modification. The Yoga is an ancient Science, and this Science being divine, is one that corresponds to all the circumstances of human age, so it requires no human adaptations and modification. Moreover human/saint analysis, interpretation or commentary, only modifies or rather ‘kills’ God’s Direct Message.

• Absolute: The Yoga practiced should be absolute in nature. It should meet its definition of uniting the individual soul with the Supreme Soul. It should affect all the aspects of a human personality.

• Comprehensive: Yoga should be wholesome in nature. A human personality is made up of five layers. Physical body, vital-air plexus, desires, contemplations, intelligence, mind, ego and of course, the soul. However, the Vedas Real that we are not these layers, we are soul. The True Yoga, corresponding to the Scriptures addresses and heals all these finer components of being, and not just physical body or mind. Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has revealed this unique JKYog Techniques through Simplified and Wholesome exercises such as S.B.R., Creative-Meditation, Di-Vibe Asanas and Pranayam which are comprehensive in nature.

• Simple & Practicable: In today’s ever changing world, the general mass has no time for Esoteric and Idealistic Yogic Techniques. But Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has elucidated (so to speak) those Esoteric Yoga Doctrines in a way the layperson can understand it fully and practice it in its daily life.

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj suggests that merely a fit body cannot offer a healthy state of mind and a healthy state of mind cannot prevent innate diseases of human consciousness such as death and rebirth. While the body mechanism primarily functions through vitamins, proteins (acids and chemicals), the mental system is based on thoughts, desires, karmas, intentions, intelligence, instincts and much more complex and subtle codes of para-psychology.

Jagadguru Kripalu Yog (JKY) is a set of Composite Yoga Techniques, based on the revelations of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj. JKY conglomerates all the ancient schools of Yoga such as Ashtang Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Dhyan Yoga etc. into various physical, breathing, psychic and consciousness-related exercises such as Subtle Body Relaxation (S.B.R.), Creative Meditation (Roop-Dhyan), Di-Vibe Asanas & Pranayam, Dietary Guidance to help nurture the soul and an in-depth analytical series-of-Lectures on multiple core-subjects such as ‘Path of Happiness’, ‘Science of the Soul’, ‘Science of God Realization’, . This Composite set of simple exercises address to all the finer components of a human being, recharging and rejuvenating the body, mind, intellect and the Soul.

• Subtle Body Relaxation (S.B.R.):

Just our physical body moves around through physical limbs such as hands, legs etc., and our subtle body functions through its limbs such as Mind, Intelligence, Chitt and Ahamkar.

In the old days, the stress was on physical load but now in the age of artificial intelligence (A.I.), it is the subtle organs that have to drudge out while the physical body rests in an armchair.

There are tons of programs offered to relax our physical body. But there is hardly any means taught in many of contemporary Yoga-Studios and schools regarding what is and how to relax our Subtle Organs. Through Subtle Body Relaxation, JKY reveals practicable means to relax and recharge our subtle organs.

• Roop-Dhyan:

'Roop' means 'The Divine Persona of the Divine Lord' and meditation is an imperfect substitute for 'Dhyan'.

Meditation differs from concentration. As concentration refers to focusing of mind on a point, where as Meditation actually is meant to denote complete submission to the Supreme Being.

The Meditation, as known to the mass, aims to hibernate the human consciousness, stemming it down to nothingness of void-ness, the ‘Roop-Dhyan’ or the ‘Divine Meditation’ is an instinctive meditation on the Divine Personal and Leelas of Bhagavan Shree Krishn and His Parshadas (Paraphernalia).

Human mind is helplessly accustomed to shapes and sizes, so asking it to concentrate on void or follow abstract-instructions is really non-practical and barren.

Moreover, final goal for the mass meditators and yogis is to annihilate the mind and establish themselves in the Samadhi (turiyaatita samadhi), a state of no mind i.e. no thoughts, no nervous traffic. However, what the fail to observe is that the ego still lingers as it subtly relishes the unbroken peace of not experiencing the ever-changing material world. Roop-Dhyan seeks to not kill the ego but cure it by surrendering it to a Genuine God Realized Spiritual Master. Roop-Dhyan culminates into Prem Samadhi, wherein the siddh enters into a state of Divine-Mind.

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj is not just the Jagadguru but also the ‘Bhakti-yog-Rasavatar’ or the Descention of the Divine Love. Shree Kripaluji Maharaj has along with this method of Roop-dhyan also inculcated other simple tools to combat the rising material mercury.

• Di-Vibe Asanas-Pranayam: JKY enunciates a unique technique of Di-Vibe Asanas. The ordinary asanas & Pranayam have more or less become noting more than merely physical exercises, something that fails to correspond to its original Texts.

But with constant remembrance of Divine vibrations, the experience penetrates the physical sheath (annamaya kosh) and offers a much deeper healing experience.

• Lecture On ‘The Path To Happiness’:

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj says, as Veda reveal, every soul on earth instinctively ‘desires’ happiness. While the mankind has searched for the means to exploit material nature to fondle their ego and the yogis/munis have searched for means to kill the ego. But there is no inquiry as to this simple question as to why every soul from various religions (All 11 religions), all 8.4 million species (humans, cats, dogs etc.), all phases of life (child, adolescent, youth, middle-aged, old), all portfolios of life (student, house-holder, renunciant, saint etc.) want only one thing? i.e., ‘H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S’. But why?

Shree Maharajji further reveals that this is primarily because of two reasons:

(a) Because the Source of Creation, the Supreme Person is Full of Bliss, Krishn is ‘raso vai sah’ or, The Source of Spiritual Bliss…

(b) The soul, being an integral part of the Cosmic Being’s Marginal Potency (Taṭasthā Śakti), naturally hankers to connect back to its Source.

• The First & Compounding Mistake:

Shree Mahrajji further reveals that as the living-entity identifies itself with the body, mind and senses, it tries to pursue the bodily-sensory and psychological pleasures such as pleasures related to sight (eyes), sound (ear), touch (skin), smell (nose) and taste (touch), and with this first mistake, all the rest steps that the soul takes in achieving these pleasures are of the nature of compounding mistake…

While, the sages and munis give up these five kinds of pleasures, they still cannot understand their real nature and hanker after psychological pleasure of liberation and Samadhi.

• Types of Pleasure:

Shree KripaluJI Maharaj further reveals that, there are eleven types of Material Pleasure and seven types of Spiritual Bliss.

• Nature of Material Pleasure and Spiritual Bliss:

Jagadguru Shree KripaluJee Maharaj, further reveals that Real Bliss has been defined in the Vedas i.e. something that is not only unlimited but also ever expanding. Should it be even one, a moment will come when the soul will be naturally find it disenchanting. Chhandogya Upanishad 7.23.1 reveals this.

All the souls who analyze the nature of material pleasure have realized that material pleasure is both limited and ever-decreasing…i.e. while, the first morsel of our favorite cuisine gives us a great thrill, the next one decreases the thrill and after 10-20 morsels the thrill really dies down, until after days/months that the mind hankers again for that…this is the nature of material pleasure….

Spiritual Bliss is not sensory, while material pleasure is derived through senses; spiritual bliss is experienced directly through spiritual senses. And it is not only unlimited (beyond mind and senses) but also ever expanding.

And how to get to the path of this Eternal Happiness is what Swami Mukundananda will explain in these series of lectures.

Please be there…

• Venue: Indian Cultural Center (Lotus Hall), 5511 Lynn Rd., Tampa, FL 33624

• Contact: A. Vijapura: (813) 966 5646, N. Patel: (813) 264-4638.

• Web-Page: http://jkyog.org/events_tampa.html

Thanking you,
JKY Volunteers.

Official Website: http://jkyog.org/events_tampa.html

Added by NS Dās on September 3, 2009

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