80 E Barclay St
Hicksville, New York 11801

Swami Mukundananda, a revered saint from India will be in Hicksville, NY to take Meditation and Yoga sessions and deliver Spiritual talks.

Join Swamiji, for an inside-journey through sessions on Yoga, Meditation, Prāṇāyām, and Discourses on "The Science of God-Realization", followed by kīrtans and chantings.

It's FREE. Register online at http://www.jkyog.org/event_hicksvilleNY.html
A jīvātmā in the material consciousness, has six dimensions to it---Physical Body, Prāṇ Body, Mind, Intelligence, Chitt, and Ego.

This Spiritual event hosted by Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog (JKYog), imparts a unique set of physical, intellectual, and spiritual modules that offer nourishment and enhancement to these six dimensions.

• Yogāsan--- To check the Physical Body
• Prāṇāyām---To replenish the Prāṇ-Sheath
• Meditation---To heal and quieten the Mind, thought flow, esp. concentration faculty
• Subtle-Body Relaxation---To nurse the subtle-body, viz. Mind, Intelligence, Chitt, and Ego-sense.
• Spiritual Discourses---To enlighten and inspire the intelligence and consciousness
• Kīrtans---To nourish the soul with the Dive Love & Surrender to the God

Having studied Engineering and Business Administration from two world-renowned institutes---IIT and IIM---Swamiji opted out of a top-echelon corporate career to embrace spirituality and devotion. Since over past twenty five years, under the Guidance of his Spiritual Master, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, Swamiji has been traveling across the earth-planet, giving spiritual discourses and taking Yoga-Meditation sessions.

Jagadguru Kripaluji Yog is a nonprofit organization, founded by Swamiji, to spread the true Yogic Wisdom and Science of Soul and Devotion. For more information, do visit the website: http://www.jkyog.org/

For Lecture Videos, visit: http://jkyog.org/youtube
Program Testimonials: http://www.jkyog.org/testimonials.html

Official Website: http://www.jkyog.org/event_hicksvilleNY.html

Added by SoulCall on May 16, 2011

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