87 N San Pedro Street
San Jose, California 95110

Want to increase your professional and social network?

Want to share your ideas, opinions and opportunities with other professionals?

Want to make a valuable difference in the Filipino professional community?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, join us at the September 25th Young Filipino Professional Association (YFPA) Networking Mixer, from 6:00PM-8:30PM, where you can connect, educate and serve with other professionals like yourself in a social and casual atmosphere. YFPA is hosting the YFPA Networking Mixer in San Jose at the Taste Ultra Lounge (http://www.tasteultralounge.com).

Taste Ultra Lounge has five distinct environments, showcasing different sound systems, deejays and personalities. Dance floors surrounded by bed seating and secluded VIP tables. Special event monthly club nights with guest DJs and exclusive liquor tasting parties from the finest spirit makers, Taste Ultra Lounge is the destination nightclub in San Jose.

FREE parking is available after 6:00 PM at the Market Street Garage located north of West Santa Clara Street between Market and San Pedro Streets.


How would you rank YFPA's overall performance in the last quarter? Click http://www.yfpa.org/home.shtml.

For those of you who can not make it to the networking mixer in-person, but still want to make valuble connections, click http://www.yfpa.org/resources_onlinenetworkingmixer.shtml.

This event is FREE for current YFPA members. For others, YFPA will be accepting a small cover charge of $5.00.

We look forward to meeting you and don't forget to bring your business cards!

Official Website: http://www.yfpa.org

Added by yfpaweb on September 10, 2007

Interested 2