850 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, California 94133

Want to increase your professional and social network?

Want to share your ideas, opinions and opportunities with other professionals?

Want to make a valuable difference in the Filipino professional community?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, join us at the August 1st Young Filipino Professional Association (YFPA) Networking Mixer, from 6:00PM-8:30PM, where you can connect, educate and serve with other professionals like yourself in a social and casual atmosphere. YFPA is hosting the YFPA Networking Mixer in San Francisco at the Cigar Bar & Grill (http://www.cigarbarandgrill.com ).

The Cigar Bar & Grill offers an atmosphere low on pretension and high on relaxation. We offer an excellent selection of cigars, wines and spirits. Inside, our rustic environment features welcoming leather couches, low lighting and wood tables and chairs. There is a pool table in the back room and a cocktail lounge that opens up to our courtyard. Outside you can enjoy cocktails and cigars in our brick courtyard. Overhead heaters will keep you warm in the winter. Every Thursday starting at 9:30 p.m. we feature the Bay Area's best Brazillian bands, and on Fridays and Saturdays beginning at 10:00 p.m., we have the Bay's best salsa bands. Our food is rustic and prepared from scratch under the guise of Neil Rideout. Neil has cooked at SF's top restaurants for the past 10 years. There are more than 100 local and international wines to choose from on our wine list. Behind the bar we specialize in brown liquors, with extensive selections of rums, cognacs, single malts and whiskeys.

Street parking.


How would you rank YFPA's overall performance in the last quarter? Click http://www.yfpa.org/home.shtml.

For those of you who can not make it to the networking mixer in-person, but still want to make valuble connections, click http://www.yfpa.org/resources_onlinenetworkingmixer.shtml.

This event is FREE for current YFPA members. For others, YFPA will be accepting a small cover charge of $5.00.

We look forward to meeting you and don't forget to bring your business cards!

Official Website: http://www.yfpa.org

Added by yfpaweb on May 16, 2007