New Hampshire
Keene, New Hampshire

We in the nonprofit sector understand that nonprofits address a myriad of critical community issues, are employers, generate revenue, mobilize volunteers and provide solutions to tough problems. We realize that nonprofits play a strong role in New Hampshire’s economy and in ensuring the quality of life we all treasure.

Yet, as we engage with decision makers, the media and in public arenas, we often run up against a wide number of misconceptions about the impact of our work and the sector.

Join us for this three-hour workshop where we will explore the importance of advocacy, the critical roles staff, board and volunteers can play, the value of effective messaging, the ways to build an advocacy strategy that will begin to chip away at the misconceptions and win you both support and resources.

A panel of experienced advocacy experts will share their tried and true strategies for developing key relationships with legislators, local government officials and the media.

We will also explore how the state legislative process works and some legal “do’s and don’ts” for nonprofit lobbying.

Official Website:

Added by Common Good Vermont on June 1, 2010