1670 CSE, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Meet up with folks from the Yahoo! Developer Network. Join us in Ann Arbor for a sociable exploration of the Yahoo! open stack. Developer evangelists Erik Eldridge and Tom Hughes-Croucher will show you Yahoo's developer tools and technologies and demonstrate how to leverage Yahoo!'s platforms and scalability to build your next application. Dinner is also included.

Revised schedule includes the big game:

5:30: food delivered
6:00pm-6:15pm: people arrive, get food & raffle tix
6:15pm-6:25pm: YDN intro/welcome
6:25pm-6:40pm: YQL overview
6:40pm-6:55pm: YAP/Social APIs
6:55pm: Leave for Bar Louie to socialize and watch the big game!

Bar Louie America
401 E Liberty St
# 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 794-3000

Official Website: http://developer.yahoo.com/hacku/um.html

Added by freshelectrons on March 3, 2009