939 Boylston Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

A slew of New York-based bands, represented by Effective Immediately PR and The Outlet Music, invade Boston for XNY's CD Release Party celebrating their debut album, Through The Wall.

Having met in Boston after hearing each other practice their respective instruments through the shared wall of their apartment building, Pam Autuori (voice, guitar) and Jacob Schreiber (drums) formed XNY and moved to New York, quickly catching the attention of fans and critics, including Brooklyn Vegan, with their intense sound and chemistry that infuses their unforgettable live performances. The latest video, “Another Way” recently premiered on Filter and has gained popularity all across the internet. The duo is looking forward to bringing this album home to the city where it all began.

Song-slinger Alec Gross is also eager to return to Beantown, having graced the stages of many local watering holes, including Tommy Doyles. Boston Band Crush recently stated of the title track off Alec’s album Strip The Lanterns, "The term ‘Cinematic Americana’ is like a nicely wrapped birthday present. You know there's going to be something good, you just have to unwrap the gift and see what sort of treats lie inside. What “‘Strip The Lanterns’ does is it makes all the non-cinematic Americana just look bad by comparison.”

Alt-country road-warriors Nightmare River Band bring their songs about “love, loss, pain, drinking and healing... although not necessarily in that order” to the Red Room stage. Known for their raucous live shows, the band has spent the past three years touring relentlessly, with their intense energy fueling their audiences as well as feeding off them. Audiences can expect the Nightmare River Band Signature Blend of foot-stomping rhythms, full arrangements, and a harmonious chorus that everyone can sing along to.

Rounding out the bill is Boston’s own Letterday. Since their inception in 2001, Boston hasn’t tried to refine, rework, or re-imagine the possibilities of “pop-rock,” “pop-punk,” or any other pop-related, guitar-driven, hyper-hyphenated genre that has been applied to their music from the start. Rather, they’ve simply tried to stay true to what they valued most: writing and performing good songs with unmatched earnestness and enthusiasm.

Co-Sponsored by Performer Magazine, this mixed night of folk/indie/punk rock promises to be the craziest night Boston has seen since the Boston Molasses Disaster of 1919.

Added by redroom939 on May 31, 2012

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