6675 Westwood Boulevard Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821


XHTML 1.0 combines the strength of HTML with the power of XML. Students will gain knowledge of the latest and greatest approaches to website design and consistency. Using hands-on lab exercises, they will build a small business web site of their own. Both HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 approaches will be covered. Students will work with images and learn to add formatting and style with CSS to encourage consistency and easy editingin web site design.

Understand the differences between HTML and XHTML
Build effective web sites with HTML/XHTML
Comprehend the benefits of CSS to web pages
Acknowledge browser variations in handling CSS

This course requires a basic understanding of the Macintosh or PC interface.

Course Outline
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

The Internet, the Web, and HTML
Open but Not Equal
The Browser Wars
The Push for Standards
Working With Web Page Files
Designing Your Site
Creating a New Web Page
Editing Web Pages
Organizing Files
Basic (X)HTML Structure
Creating the Foundation
Declaring the Encoding
Base Tags
Creating Section Headers, Paragraphs, Divisions, Spans, LineBreaks, Comments
Basic (X)HTML Formatting
Making Text Bold or Italic
Changing the Size of Text and Using a Monospaced Font
Using Preformatted Text
Quoting, Superscripts, and Subscripts
Marking Changed Text
Using Images
About Images for the Web
Inserting Images on a Page
Offering Alternate Text, Specifying Size, Thumbnails
Wrapping and Adding Space around an Image
Aligning Images
Adding Horizontal Rules
Creating Internal and External Links
Creating Anchors
Targeting Links to Specific Windows
Setting the Default Target
Creating a Client-Side Image Map
Creating Styles
Constructing a Style Rule
Constructing Selectors
Selecting Elements by Name, Class or ID, Context, or Basedon Their State
Selecting Part of an Element
Selecting Elements Based on Attributes
Specifying Groups of Elements
Combining Selectors
Applying Styles
Creating Internal and External Style Sheets
Importing External Style Sheets
Applying Styles Locally
The Importance of Location
Adding Comments to Style Rules
Formatting With Styles
Choosing a Font Family
Embedding Fonts on a Page
Creating Italics and Bold
Setting All Font Values at Once
Setting the Text Color and Background
Controlling Spacing and White Space Properties
Adding Indents
Aligning Text
Decorating Text
Layout with Styles
Structuring Your Pages
The Box Model
Displaying and Hiding Elements
Absolute and Relative Positioning
Affixing an Element to the Browser Window
Offsetting Elements In the Natural Flow
Positioning Elements in 3D
Determining Where Overflow Should Go
Style Sheets for Printing
Using Media-Specific Style Sheets
How Print Style Sheets Differ
Controlling Page Breaks
Other Print Specific CSS Properties
Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists
Choosing Your Markers (Bullets)
Choosing Where to Start List Numbering
Using Custom Markers
Controlling Where Markers Hang
Setting All List-Style Properties at Once
Creating Definition Lists
Styling Nested Lists
Mapping Out Your Page
Creating Tables
Combining Tables
Spanning a Cell across Columns
Spanning a Cell across Rows
Dividing Your Table into Column Groups
Dividing the Table into Horizontal Sections
Speeding up Table Display
Creating a Simple Frameset
Creating Frames in Rows and Columns
Adjusting a Frame's Margins
Showing or Hiding Scroll Bars
Adjusting the Color of the Borders
Adjusting the Frame Borders
Keeping Visitors from Resizing Frames
Targeting Links to Particular Frames
Targeting Links to Special Spots
Changing the Default Target
Nesting Framesets
Embedding Content with Objects
About CGI Scripts
Creating a Form
Sending Form Data via E-mail
Creating Text Boxes and Password Boxes
Creating Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, and Menus
Creating Text Areas
Allowing Visitors to Upload Files
About Hidden Fields
Creating the Submit and Reset Buttons
Organizing the Form Elements
Formally Labeling Form Parts
Setting the Tab Order in a Form
Disabling Form Elements
Getting People to Visit
Controlling Other Information
Creating a Crawler Page
Submitting Your Site to a Search Engine
Improving Your Ranking by Getting Linked
Writing Pages That Are Easy to Index
Other Techniques for Publicizing Your Site

Official Website: http://fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?z=Web+Design+%26+Development&v=Web+Programming&g=HTML+and+CSS

Added by Fmc-Orlando on November 1, 2011

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