6115 S Santa Fe Dr
Littleton, Colorado 80120

Learn how to combine traditional landscaping techniques with the latest in conservation methods to achieve an eye-appealing and functional yard or garden. While minimizing water-use and maintenance, xeriscape landscaping maximizes the beauty and year-long appeal of any garden space. This workshop, led by long-time xeriscape author and photographer David Winger, covers the history and seven principles of xeriscape, followed by an interactive walk through The Hudson Gardens to observe and identify plants with low-to moderate water-requirements. Class will be held at The Hudson Residence. Meet the instructor in front of the Gift Shop 10 minutes prior to class start time. Date: Tuesday, June 28, 6 - 8:30 PM Registration: $15/member, $20/nonmember. Call the Hudson Gardens Education Department at (303) 797-8565 ext. 306 to register.

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