121 W 15th St
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001

Join Wyoming Virtual Academy (WYVA) teachers and staff for a Q&A session about this innovative public school choice and how it can help your student!

WYVA certified teachers will be available to review information, share details about the K12 curriculum, and discuss details about the new school year.

Afterwards, we'll treat all guests to admission to the Cheyenne Depot Museum--courtesy of WYVA and K12.

Please visit our event page for more details: http://www.k12.com/wyva/event/cheyenne-qa-wyva-teachers

We look forward to seeing you at this event!

Official Website: http://www.k12.com/wyva/event/cheyenne-qa-wyva-teachers

Added by K12 on August 9, 2012

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