372 5th Ave.
Brooklyn, New York

Join us at the 826NYC writing lab for
Writing and Publishing the Humorous Essay,
a panel discussion and seminar.

Sarah Vowell, author of The Partly Cloudy Patriot and ?This American Life? contributor

A.J. Jacobs, humor writer and editor for Esquire magazine
Jonathan Ames, author of Wake Up, Sir!
Cynthia Kaplan, author of Why I'm Like This
Jonathan Lazear, agent whose clients include Al Franken and Terry Gross
Geoff Kloske, editor at Simon & Schuster

We will talk about inspiration, self-editing, navigating the publishing world, and everything in between. No details will be spared, all pertinent secrets will be revealed.

The seminar will take place at 826NYC, 372 5th Avenue, between 5th and 6th Streets in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The cost is $50. Space is limited and filling up fast! To reserve your place, please call 718.499.9884. All proceeds go directly to student programming at 826NYC.

This is the first in our series of Seminars for Aspiring Writers. For information on future workshops, visit our website at www.826nyc.org

826NYC is a nonprofit writing and tutoring center with the goal of helping students, ages 6?18, develop their skills in the areas of creative writing, expository writing, and English as a second language. We offer a variety of programs designed to make writing challenging and enjoyable, including one-on-one tutoring, writing workshops, and student publishing. All of our student programming is offered free of charge. Please visit www.826nyc.org for more information.

Added by lizcoen on July 28, 2004