Soon to be disclosed
Karnataka, Karnataka

Hello and welcome to WUDBE! WUDBE is World Usability Day, Bangalore Edition. Our own Namma Bengaluru Edition.

Now, we are targetting not only tech-savvy Usability professionals who talk jargonese, but also the common man, even the uninitiated who would ask perplexing questions like What is Usability?

And then What is World Usability Day?

"Why doesn't this work right? What am I supposed to do with this now?". This is an Earth-Day-style event, focused on easy-to-use technology, which last year involved 115 events in 35 countries.

World Usability Day promotes the value of usability engineering, user-centered design, and every user's right to ask for things that work better.

The Usability Professionals' Association is doing that by encouraging, organizing, and sponsoring 36 hours of activities at the local level around the globe, all occurring on November 14, 2006.

Official Website:

Added by cybaba on October 25, 2006