999 Canada Place
Vancouver, British Columbia

From the World Urban Forum 2006 website: " The World Urban Forum was established by the United Nations to examine one of the most pressing issues facing the world today: rapid urbanisation and its impact on communities, cities, economies and policies. It is projected that in the next fifty years, two-thirds of humanity will be living in towns and cities. A major challenge is to minimize burgeoning poverty in cities, improve the urban poor's access to basic facilities."

Added by sillygwailo on March 16, 2006



I will be covering this event for Global Youth Fund's blog... www.globalyouthfund.org


Don't forget to check out the art component to the conference : Earth: The World Urban Festival, which happens at the Great Northern Way Campus site. Our new art project IN[ ]EX will be there: show up and get a wooden block: carry the wooden block around to transmit your movements into a dynamic audio installation. http://in-ex.ca