1410 E Adams St
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Ever wanted to visit a foreign country? The City of Jacksonville and local multicultural friends will bring the world to the city at the annual World of Nations Celebration. This fascinating cultural destination showcases the unique diversity of our planet, and puts the wonderful sights, sounds, and tastes of different nations within your reach. Experience the rich cultural traditions and unique heritage of African nations, Brazil, Cambodia, islands of the Caribbean, China, Columbia, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, islands of the French Caribbean, Ghana and Haiti. Wander through India, Italy, Kenya, Laos, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Peru. You won't want to conclude your tour without including stops in the Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam and many more participating nations!

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 1, 2008

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