31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Film screening: Tuesday, September 28, 7:00 p.m.
Instituto Cervantes Auditorium
For more information, visit www.nomadaktx.com
Concert: Wednesday, September 29, 7:00 pm
Instituto Cervantes Auditorium

Together as Oreka TX since 1997, Harkaitz Martinez de San Vicente and Igor Otxoa play the txalaparta, an instrument from Spain’s Basque region that consists of pairs of wooden planks struck with special percussion mallets. They have traveled the world playing this unique instrument, visiting far-flung nomadic societies and collecting visual and sound material with a clear goal in mind: to share this music, these sounds, these images, and these experiences. These culture-crossing journeys were recorded in the acclaimed 2007 documentary Nömadak TX. Oreka TX’s tools are experimentation and fusion; their goal, cultural interaction; and their concert, extraordinary. Variety magazine’s Robert Koehler says they are “very possibly the Next Big Thing for world music mavens and hipster armchair travelers alike.”

Part of the Chicago World Music Festival 2010 organized by the Chicago Cultural Center.
$15 general admission / $10 Instituto Cervantes members

Added by Instituto Cervantes on September 26, 2010