sanfransisco, California 908140

World Internet Main Event BONUS

Come attend Howie Schwartz's breakout room (Salon H) on Sunday September 16 (7:30am - 8:15am). Tell him that you found this post related to TIMME online - and that "Howie Is Cool" - and you will get a very cool bonus just for attending The World Internet Main Event Your chances are great because when you attend this seminar it's more than TWICE as powerful as the one these successful people attended. Because since it began "The Internet Marketing Main Event" and "World Internet Summit USA" have been held on exactly the same weekend in September--only at different locations! That means, hundreds of marketers and some of the speakers had to choose which event to attend. So the event superpowers got their heads together and created a world-first - a internet marketing seminar FUSION that guarantees to deliver more energy, more inspiration, and more powerful content than any other.

Official Website: http://clearblogs.com/worldinternetmainevent

Added by worldinternetmainevent on September 10, 2007