20 Talbot Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

The World Damba Festival is a celebration of the Damba Festival of the Northern Region of Ghana in Africa. Celebrated with pageantry and performing arts, the annual Damba Festival is a communal homage to chieftain traditions, an affirmation of family networks, and an observance of religious rites. People gather to respect the past, assess the present, and plan for the future.

On Friday, September 14, there will be an academic symposium in the afternoon followed by a showcase concert in the evening.

On Saturday, September 15, Somo Damba will take place in the morning followed at midday by participatory workshops in music and dance styles of Northern Ghana. Naa Damba will be celebrated in mid-afternoon, followed by the keynote address to be delivered by Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, Secretary-General of the United Nations' African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States. The evening begins with an African dinner and moves on to a social dance party with live music.

On Sunday, September 16, there will be a plenary session focused on community development in Northern Ghana and the Diaspora. The festival will end with traditional drumming and dance for sending the Damba home.

For detailed schedule of events for each day of the festival, visit http://worlddamba2012.org/festival/program/

For event registration, visit http://worlddamba2012.org/eventregistration/

Official Website: http://worlddamba2012.org

Added by Granoff Music Center on July 23, 2012