12345 El Monte Blvd
Los Altos Hills, California 94022

Did you know most jobs are not offered to the most qualified, but to the one who interviewed best? In this competitive job market, it's more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. Come to this hands-on workshop and learn how to develop the confidence, poise, and communication skills necessary to achieve interview success.

Highlights include:

* Six ways to develop a winning first impression
* How to prepare for over twenty of the most common and difficult
* Turning your weaknesses into strengths
* Five keys to successful salary negotiation
* Winning words, tone, attire, and body language
* How to master the two most difficult moments
* Dress for interview if you wish to receive a professional image
analysis. Bring two copies of your current resume.

Official Website: http://www.nipreston.com/workshops/

Added by Preston Ni Communication Coachin on October 8, 2009