605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Join Annaita Gandhy, a spiritual & holistic healer from India in an inter-active Salon. Get in touch with All that you are. Open your mind to life’s joys & wonders to be a conscious co-creator of your world. Share insights on living in awareness, rising above life’s challenges, being healthy & fulfilled. Understand the subtle messages in your life and apply spiritual principals to Empower you.

A Salon: Aligned With Source is an Inter-Active talk/workshop with a purpose of bringing understanding to life’s challenges and empowering us to deal with them. Once again we find two words, often little understood. As we move more completely into the Light, we are being pushed to become totally Self-Aware. In ‘Attachment & Detachment’ we cross the boundaries of a limiting physical existence in order to Be Spirit in physical body.

Added by elesia_b on November 23, 2011

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