1691 Phoenix Blvd, Suite 390
Atlanta, Georgia 30349

Make your company or event stand out from the rest! Use your eye for design and promote what you're doing with flair on a sensible budget. Dig deeper into PowerPoint and go from producing simple slides with boring text and bullets to mastering multimedia presentations and art projects that are absolutely brilliant!

Using software you already have, you can create eye-catching designs that include images, movies, and sound. Whether it’s a personalized email campaign, Web banner, postcard, Twitter background, YouTube skin, or an eflyer like this one, you can do it all in PowerPoint.

You'll also receive a copy of Peggy's book, Just Show Me Which Button to Click! in PowerPoint 2007.

See Website for Other Dates, Locations, etc.

Added by Peggy Duncan on October 2, 2011

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