1410 Olympic Way S.E.
Calgary, Alberta

Celebrating the athleticism of the horse, this competition has roots in the horse training traditions of the California vaqueros, as far back as the 1700s. The competition includes a reined work pattern, where the horse maneuvers through a series of maneuvers including figure eights, straight runs, lead changes, sliding stops and 360 degree spins. The most challenging and exciting part of the competition is the cow work – where the horse must control the movements of a single steer at a full out run, heading it off and turning it both ways along the fence, then bringing it into the centre of the arena to circle once in each direction. The Working Cow Horse Classic features finished “bridle” horses advanced in their training, as well as younger horses shown in the traditional hackamore.

Official Website: http://www.calgarystampede.com

Added by Stampede Agriculture on May 12, 2011