1743 West Nursery Road
Baltimore MD, Maryland 21240

The Community of Christian Women hosts "Hearts on Fire", the 3rd annual Women's Faith Retreat featuring keynote speaker, Dotty Schmitt of Immanuel's Church in Silver Spring. Dotty is head of women's ministires at her church, and is an inspirational speaker, and author of several books.

Come get blessed through praise music, testimonials, worship, and spirit-filled messages. Door prizes will also be given. Lunch provided on Saturday. Sign language interpretation.

Conference is $50 in advance or $55 at the door.

Rooms available at discount rate of $129/night. Call hotel to make reservations (mention the conference).

Official Website: http://www.geocities.com/CommunityofChristianWomen

Added by CCW on November 2, 2007

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