27 Union Square West
New York, New York 10003

On April 24-25, 2012 women entrepreneurs from all over the country will come to New York City for the Women Entrepreneurs Rock the World conference. This two-day event is designed to energize, inspire, and ignite women entrepreneurs to live on the razor edge and to empower them with business tools.

Angela Jia Kim, founder of Savor the Success started this event to really put Savor’s motto “anything is possible” into motion. This conference allows small business owners to connect with and learn from women who are taking chances and making it happen. Women entrepreneurs are a huge part of the solution to this country’s economic problems. They are the job creators, and are launching businesses 3 times the rate of men. They are truly revolutionizing the world and making it a better place for everyone. With a fabulous line-up of speakers including: JJ Ramberg, anchorwoman of MSNBC, Lisa Hufford, founder of Simplicity Consulting and #54 on Inc.'s 500 list, and Laura Petrecca, USA Today Editor, among others, there is no limit of inspiration and motivation.

At Rock the World, women give, give, and get. Get your tickets now and take a chance. Anything is possible – why limit yourself?

Added by Holly Byrnes on March 19, 2012

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