1080 Darrington Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27513

How to Put a Recruiter in Your Back Pocket

Benefits of working with a recruiter
How to select a recruiter
Myths about Internet searches and job sites
Recruiters working for a single company vs those working with multiple clients
Networking mistakes

About Our Speaker(s):
Ingrid Jones is a polished Human Resources Professional with twenty-years hands-on-experience in HR operations for both Union and Non-Union environments. She has been an energetic administrator and developer of various corporate programs. Ingrid has provided staff management, corporate training, and strategic consultancy services to top tier fortune 500 and 100 companies through out the United States. Upon developing and fine tuning her networking and interpersonal skills she has built a reputation in the HR industry that is well respected among her peers.

Knowledgeable in the following areas:
Multi-Vertical Industry experience in Corporate and Agency environments
Implementing Corporate Training Programs
Recruiting Professional, Technical and Trade positions
Providing Training Sessions on Cold-Calling, Prospecting, Pitching
Managing and Administering College Internship Programs
Marketing/Sales, Promotional Techniques
Developing Orientation/Seminars Programs
Benefits and Compensation Administration
Developing Diversity strategies and programs
Developing Organizational Retention Strategies
Professional Presentations and Counseling

Currently specializing in Recruiting Consultancy for the last eight years, Ingrid is on assignment with Cisco Systems, Inc a Global Telecommunications leader in networking. She has been hired to help implement a diversity recruitment program for the US Theater of the Customer Advocacy Organization and Sales Group. The Customer Advocacy organization is Cisco’s offering to customers on services, solutions and inivative technology advancement. This consultancy assignment has developed some unique recruiting perspectives and challenges that has highlighted some grandfather recruiting techniques that she will be sharing with our organization. In her up and coming seminar “ How to put a Recruiter in Your Back Pocket” she will present job seeking techniques from the perspective of applicant.

Event Date and Venue
This event will be held from 6:15 pm on Thursday, February 8, 2007 at:

Stonewood Grill and Tavern
1080 Darrington Drive
Cary, North Carolina 27513
6:15 Networking and Refreshments
7:00 Speaker
8:00 Question and Answer
8:15 Raffle

Pre-Registration fees are as follows:

$25.00 for WITI members
$45.00 for non-members

Official Website: http://www.witi.com/rtp/meeting.php?id=2016

Added by steffjeiner on January 31, 2007

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