1980 Main Street
Irvine, California 92614

People + Power

Talk to powerful women and they will all cite "people" as critical to their success. Mentors, coaches, networking and MasterMind groups all play a key role in accelerating our development and providing access to individuals and opportunities. While women are natural communicators and connectors, few know how to translate their relationships into power and influence. Learn how to progress from “networking” to building a strategic network or “powerbase.”

Panelists will address:
• The power + influence “head game”
• What’s at stake?
• Why men matter
• Building a strategic network
• The care and feeding of your network

About Our Speaker(s):
Moderator: Kristen Leduc, Associate Consultant & Engagement Manager, McDermott & Bull
Kristen Leduc is an Associate Consultant and Engagement Manager in the General Business and Technology Practice at McDermott & Bull. Previously, Kristen served as the firm’s Director of Recruiting. Prior to joining McDermott & Bull, Kristen worked in the medical device industry placing business development professionals with Management Recruiters International. Kristen began recruiting in October 1999 with The Write Connection. Kristen will open the Denver office of McDermott & Bull in the first quarter of 2008.

Rachel Bondi, Founder & CEO, Men Matter
Author Rachel Bondi is an entrepreneur and former director at Fortune 100 companies such as Microsoft and AT&T. She has appeared nationwide on radio and in print, been voted one of the Top 10 Women of Power by OC Metro magazine, and 2006 Top CFO by the National Investor Relations Institute of Orange County. Featured in TWINS, BROKER, and the OC Register, Rachel has been interviewed by diverse media outlets including MSNBC, TIME Magazine, Tokyo Times, The Wall Street Journal, and has been a featured guest for The Mix on CoxTV and radio nationwide.

Hank Blank, President, Hank Blank
Networking is one of the most powerful marketing tools. With over 25 years of advertising and marketing experience forged on some of the largest global brands in North America, Hank Blank has learned how networking can develop new business and keep it for an ongoing revenue stream. Hank has distilled his expertise – a combination of strategic packaged good skills and retail responsiveness – into his signature “Connecting the Dots” networking technique. He has been featured on CBS Market Watch, The OC Register and World Talk Radio and has spoken on networking to a variety of companies and organizations including the LA Chamber of Commerce, PRSA, Sole Technology, UCI Graduate School of Management and to the OC Republican Staffers.

Kelly Oberle, Founder, Access Human Potential
Kelly Oberle is the founder of Access Human Potential (AHP), a company that works in partnership with management to strengthen the organization’s culture by providing strategies to assist in improving productivity, morale, and quality of work life. Before founding AHP, Kelly worked in high tech companies in product and marketing management. She successfully worked with executive management to facilitate business development activities (both nationally and internationally), manage cross-functional projects, and design sales and management training programs. Kelly graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in Organizational Studies.

Victor Broski
Founder and President, Give Better Presentations
Longtime experienced speaker Victor Broski, whose Speech Communication degree is from California State University, Long Beach, is also a presentation coach and consultant to individuals and to groups of all sizes. His own presentations on such topics as Nonverbal Communication, Small Talk, and Negotiation have enlightened, educated, and entertained business conferences, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, and other groups throughout California. The author of books and articles on public speaking and nonverbal communication, Victor has been featured in the Orange County Register’s Business Monday section and in OC Metro.

The Schedule:

6:00-6:30PM Registration & Networking
6:30-8:00PM Panel & Q&A
8:00-8:30PM Networking

Pre-Registration fees are as follows:

$25.00 for WITI members
$40.00 for non-members

To register, or for more info: http://www.witi.com/orangecounty/meeting.php?id=2089

Official Website: http://www.witi.com/orangecounty/meeting.php?id=2089

Added by gowiti on May 7, 2007

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