3800 W Starr Pass Blvd
Tucson, Arizona 85745

Tucson shines all year long, but it shines the brightest at JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa every holiday season. With so many festive offerings during December, Starr Pass is adding another event to its holiday lineup this year – the Winter Wonder Ball, on Saturday, December 5, from 6 to 11 p.m. The Winter Wonder Ball will have a dual impact on the Tucson community – it will offer local businesses a place to celebrate, without the expense of private holiday parties and give the Community Food Bank of Tucson a much-needed boost during the holidays.

In addition to Santa, snow, and songs, the Winter Wonder Ball will give local businesses and organizations a chance to celebrate the holidays in grand style and reward their employees for their dedication and hard work in a resort-style environment. Tables for 10 will be offered at an affordable price, and will include all of the necessities for a truly enchanted evening.

Perhaps the most beautiful part of the Winter Wonder Ball is how it gives back to the community. Each Winter Wonder Ball guest is asked to bring non-perishable food items to the gala. At the end of the evening, the food will be donated to the Community Food Bank of Tucson. As guests place their items in the donation bin at the door, they will receive a drink ticket. The more food items the guest brings, the more drink tickets they can earn. With so many needy families in Tucson, there is no better way to help the needy than providing them with a delicious meal to enjoy over the holidays.

Official Website: http://www.winterwonderball.com

Added by JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort an on November 20, 2009