2905 Rodeo Park Drive E Building 3
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

WINTER SOLSTICE Shamanic Journey Day with Luisa Kolker
December 19, 2008
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sun Room

Winter Solstice is a reminder that the light is born of darkness, just as awareness is born of going deep
into the inner space of self and psyche.

We will journey with our helping spirits to illuminate these questions:

What nourishes your core values?

Which beliefs, behaviors, fears can you give away, clearing psychic space for more aliveness?

What part of your inner self is ready to be born?

We will do 2-3 shamanic journeys; there will be guided meditaions, healing and channeling by Luisa, sharing, drumming and ceremony. Shamanic journeying experience is recommended, though not necessary. The willingness to go deeply into inner emotional territory and to open to spiritual consciousness contributes to the healing environment of the circle.

Contact Luisa if you are interested in an introduction to the core shamanic journeying technique at 505-660-9414.

As a group, we will form a conscious, tribal context with each other in order to strengthen our inner work. Shamanic wors is done by the individual to cultivate balance, happiness and healing for all beings. By gathering together as a group to do this work, we will benefit individually and collectively from the journey we experience.

Bring a drum, rattle, blanket, journal, eye cover, lunch and medicine objects to place on altar. Back jacks available.

$100 or $75 if paid by December 6th

Send your deposit or payment to:

Luisa Kolker Workshops, 2 Cuesta Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87508

[email protected]

Official Website: http://www.santafesoul.com

Added by kimonosantafe on November 22, 2008

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