116 Nw 3rd St
Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Thursday, May 19th we have a Sustainability, Natural Resources, and Technology themed networking night with the Willamette Innovators Network and SAO Corvallis.

Come learn how local sustainability and natural resource organizations are utilizing technology.

Two local organizations, The Conservation Biology Institute (ConsBio) and Watershed Sciences, Inc., will be talk for 5-10 minutes about what they do. After that there will be a chance to chat and network with them and other local innovators and people in this space.

When: May 19th, 5pm - 7pm
Where: Sunnyside Up


5:00 - Networking
5:30 - The Conservation Biology Institute and Watershed Sciences, Inc.
5:50 - Networking

RSVP on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196226057089051

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=196226057089051

Added by jasonprojects on May 5, 2011

Interested 1