1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

Double Feature: New 35mm Print! SORCERER, 1977, Paramount, 122 min. Friedkin’s most visually awesome film follows small-time crook Roy Scheider from Brooklyn to the sweltering South American jungles, where he lands a job hauling nitroglycerine with hard-luck losers Bruno Cremer and Francisco Rabal. Rather than simply remake Henri-Georges Clouzot’s famed WAGES OF FEAR, Friedkin re-imagined the story as a cosmic vision of man vs. nature, climaxing in the mind-bending image of Scheider and crew literally pushing a loaded truck across a spindly rope bridge. [35mm]

THE EXORCIST, 1973, Warner Bros., 121 min. Friedkin adapted William Peter Blatty’s bone-chilling best-seller into the classic American horror film in which Catholic priests Jason Miller and Max von Sydow go head-to-head with the unholy one, inhabiting the body of young Linda Blair. "I auditioned 500 girls and went with Linda because I felt she was the most intelligent, most pulled-together youngster I had ever met." - Friedkin. With Ellen Burstyn. [35mm] Discussion between films with director William Friedkin.


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Added by AmericanCinematheque on January 14, 2011