Broad Street
Newent, England GL18 1AQ

Newent in Bloom invites families to come and join us to create a wild flower meadow at Newent lake on the Sunday after Easter, to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

From 2 to 4 pm on the 15th of April, you are invited to bring a picnic, view the proposed meadow, sow a patch of seeds to start the meadow growing and receive a certificate to commemorate the event.
Wild flower seeds will be provided. The event is free, though donations to Newent in Bloom are appreciated.

“We’d like as many people as possible to come along and take part” said a Newent in Bloom spokesperson.
“In particular, we’re looking for the youngest gardeners, and also for people who have a connection to 1952; perhaps born or married in that year, to be among the first to scatter seeds.

Supervised children are especially welcome to sow seeds; after all, this is not only about sixty years of the Queen’s reign, it’s about our children’s future environment too”.

It promises to be a very pleasant way for families to spend the Sunday afternoon, having a picnic by the lake, feeding the ducks, taking up a once in a lifetime opportunity and taking home a lasting memory.

Added by Wyedeantourism on March 29, 2012

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