2014 Sycamore Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

Ohio has the most amount of Car Shows and Cruisin s than anywhere else in the United States and is 2nd to California for the most amount of registered Classic Cars and Drag Strips?

Northeast Ohio is also a top world market for the customization of vehicles, one of the biggest areas for the registration of motorcycles and Northeast Ohio is home to some of the oldest Car Clubs in the country. Additionally, Northeast Ohio has some of the deepest roots in music in the world and because of this, we are able to successfully blend music and motorsports together to draw attention to our areas need for a stronger workforce as well as a stronger foundation with the end result making Cleveland and Northeast Ohio a place for companies to move into rather than move out of.

There are thousand of jobs available and the Wheels of Steel Weekend works hard to connect the dots between the company hiring and the person looking to be hired. The days of being over qualified are over, especially within today's work environment and we welcome everyone to come to the Wheels of Steel Weekend's job fair/career fair to get an opportunity to meet with companies from all over the region looking to place people today. Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 3:00pm June 27 - 28, 2009

Get Your tickets early and save $5.00
Discount Referral Code-3SO
The Weekend GOes Down
June 27-28, 2009

Official Website: http://www.wosw09.com

Added by ragdollbaby1208 on June 22, 2009