17991 NE Redmond Way
Redmond, Washington 98052

Are you living with a gluten- or wheat-intolerance? Suspecting one but don't know what to do about it? Recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease? Whole Foods Market in Redmond has invited some vendors of gluten-free and wheat-free products to show their products and offer some tastes, on Sunday, March 15. Join my talk at 1:30 to learn: what is Celiac Disease vs. a gluten- or wheat- intolerance? How do we tell the difference? To what extent can we treat it? How should I eat to help myself feel better? What is the naturopathic medical approach?

On the other hand, even if you haven't been suspecting a wheat or gluten intolerance, but have one or more digestive symptoms with an unexplained origin (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, etc.), especially combined with vague other symptoms (possibly but not limited to chronic respiratory congestion or other respiratory symptoms, skin rashes, fatigue, dark shadows under the eyes), come learn about how food you're not digesting well might be contributing to your symptoms.

Official Website: http://www.lumina-health.com

Added by DrDeborahEpstein on March 10, 2009

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