New York City
New York, New York

Generating traffic is one of the major challenges faced by many network marketers. Users of Carbon Copy Pro are provided with quite an impressive variety of training on internet marketing strategies. Everything from pay per click, ezine and solo ads, paid leads, postcards, and classified ads are given ample coverage. Also, there is a members forum where results from various forms of marketing are discussed and shared. The focus in the traffic generation training seems to be on tracking and metrics to ensure that members are receiving a return on their investment.

Carbon Copy sorts, qualifies, and closes your prospects for you. Let's examine how this works: through your marketing efforts you drive traffic to the lead capture page a visitor who is interested fills out the form and becomes a lead the lead is added to your autoresponder which sends them messages intended to get them to fill out an application when someone fills out an application and pays the $49 fee they are given access to a business overview page and sent a copy of "INSIDEOUT", a marketing DVD and workbook put together by Jay Kubassek and Mike Dillard they will also be called twice by Carbon Copy Pro marketing professionals who will answer questions and invite them to a live system overview call if they decide to join, you get paid through an automated payment processor.

Jay Kubassek, WMI Jay Kubassek, Jay Kubassek Carbon Copy Pro, Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek, WMI Carbon Copy Pro, WMI, WMI Carbon Copy, Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy, WMI Carbon Copy, Carbon Copy Pro, Wealth Masters International, home based business, online marketing, network marketing

Official Website:

Added by jaykubassekcarboncopypro on February 28, 2008