3740 Atlantic Ave, Studio 201
Long beach, California 90807

In addition to helping your spiritual growth, meditation has been shown to have significant emotional and physiological benefits.The two biggest challenges that most people face with meditation is finding the time and not being sure if they're doing it "right." A scheduled meditation in a group setting addresses both of those blocks! Come join us for a weekly meditation group. We will be doing several different forms and styles of meditation, each with a different focus, and each practice will be followed by a short discussion about the challenges and successes we experience in meditation. Open to all levels, from beginner to seasoned veteran.

10/12 - Guided Visualization for Personal Healing
10/19 - Sacred Breath for Releasing Anxiety and Fear
10/26 - Sound Bath for Serenity

Added by twistedcat2000 on September 28, 2010

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