715 Market Ave. N. Canton, Ohio
Canton, Ohio

Attention: small business owners and entrepreneurs,

My name is Doug, and I will be starting weekly E-business seminars that will begin Saturday April 25th at 12:00pm. Seminars take place in a small group setting for easy learning. There will be only 7 to 10 available seats each week.

If you are planning to start your own online business this year or if you already have a online business, I strongly recommend you attend. There are many things you need to know before you get started. Statistics also show that most people who have websites get little or no traffic to their site. The information you will learn during my seminar is Priceless!!!

I will teach you the following:

*Learn how to start your own internet business.

*Learn how to successfully conduct business online.

*Learn how to properly pick a domain name for your business.

*Learn how to make money from an information only website.

*Learn about websites and how to market them.

*Learn that having a website and making money from a website is two separate things.

*Learn how to obtain top ten rankings with Google, msn, and other top search engines.

*Learn how to get more customers and clients for your existing local business with a high traffic website.


Don’t be fooled by cheap web design and web hosting services. They are not good for doing business online.

Also, don’t be fooled by companies that come to town putting on big presentations at hotels. They may offer a free meal, and a free gift, but the end result is a very expensive product or service that you don’t need. Those services often cost thousands of dollars and won’t do you any good. I teach using a program that is cost effective and taught in colleges and universities all around the world.

So come and learn the facts about E-business and internet entrepreneurship. You will receive a free gift, along with the truth on how to successfully conduct business online.

Seminar fee registration is $10 if paid prior to the Saturday event. You must register to attend.

Same day registration is $20 at the door if seating is available, so register early for the discount. Please remember that there are only 7 to 10 seats available each week.

You may pay your registration fee early by cash, money order, or PayPal.

Contact: Doug at 330.829.0168 or by email for early registration payment details. Email: rapture2k@yahoo dot com

Also visit my free seminar online community at: www.e-business-seminars.ning.com

Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you soon.

Added by Doug L. on March 10, 2009

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