2001 Waukegan Rd, PO Box 176
Techny, Illinois 60082

Just as the mythical Phoenix perishes in fire only to arise fromits ashes reborn anew, so too is humanity being enflamed by a conflagration of Divine Spirit and Consciousness. Attachments to a life that could never serve your soul’s potential are painfully burning away. Limitations and obstacles are incinerated in the fire of God’s Light so that you are resurrected into the awareness of your true Divinity for the evolution and Ascension of this planet
Saturday: Three Sessions
10:00 am –Noon $ 33/Pre-registration fee
1:30 –3:30 pm $ 33/Pre-registration fee
4:30 –6:30 pm $ 33/Pre-registration fee

for more info go to: http://www.panachedesai.com/events/techny-il-saturday-august-8-2009/

Official Website: http://www.panachedesai.com

Added by dorothyf on July 16, 2009

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