924 San Juan Road
Sacramento, California 95834

Dear Pastors, media stewards and Webmasters,

Hi my name is Christopher Williams; I’m the evangelism chairperson, and the Websteward at Peace Lutheran Ministries. I like technology, and I love to serve God, and spread His Holy Word to all of his people online, and offline. I have been in the websteward ministry for three years. By God’s power thought this ministry, I have felt humble and more confrontable to spread God’s Holy Word. So I became the evangelism chairperson at my church this year.

For the three years I have been in the Websteward ministry I have learned a lot about web development for churches. I would like to share this information with you. So now I would like to invite you to the first annual Websteward Conference 2007.On Saturday, September 29, 2007 from 10am to 3pm at Peace Lutheran Ministries located at 924 San Juan Rd. Sacramento, Ca 95834. All I ask is for you to bring a dish for our potluck at 12:30pm. Also you can bring a laptop for the conference.

We will be discussing……….

Picking a good domain/web host

web development tools software/hardwareWeb 2.0 technologies (Bogging, Podcasting, social networking, and RSS).

Website Management

And much more!!!!!!

Please R.S.V.P at http://www.peacelutheranministries.org/webstewardsconference2007.html
If you have any questions you can call me at (916) 256-6434 or email at [email protected]

I hope to see all of you at this year at Websteward Conference 2007
Take care and God bless:

Christopher Williams
Evangelism chairperson and Websteward
Peace Lutheran Ministries

Official Website: http://peacelutheranministries.org/

Added by PeaceLutheranMinistries on August 29, 2007