Houston, Texas

Yes, we have compiled 30 MORE sales and marketing ideas under $300. Kate Good is best known for scouring the world to find resources, ideas, and creativity that you can pop into any marketing plan without blowing out the balanced budget. 2012 is right around the corner and that means it is time to write our marketing plans. Attend this powerful program and you will be totally energized with new ideas to continue your sales and marketing success.

Join Kate Good and Multifamily Insiders on July 29th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to hear 30 MORE great marketing ideas! The price for this webinar is $29.99. Learn how to get a Discount!

> > Register Now!

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Regional Managers, Managers, Assistant Managers, Leasing Consultants and Maintenance

About Kate Good:
Kate Good presents her programs for more that 10,000 industry professionals a year at all the top events in the United States. Now, you can bring Kate into your office for this Webinar event where you can count on hearing her cutting edge ideas, unique strategies and enthusiasm to generate traffic and lease more apartments. Visit for details on Kate's expertise.

Official Website:

Added by Felicia Norman on June 22, 2011

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