7 Columbia Circle
Albany, New York 12203

In the next Excelsior College ‘Women in Technology’ webinar, the focus shifts to adult learners, specifically four women balancing a career in high technology and the pursuit of an advanced education. Guests will discuss why they chose to return to school, how a degree will improve their career prospects, the challenges they have faced juggling work, home and educational obligations, and whether they are hopeful for the future of women in technology.

The event will be hosted by Dr. Jane LeClair, dean of Excelsior College’s School of Business & Technology, twenty year veteran of the nuclear industry, advocate and founder of the webinar series.

Find out more about the series and the issue of ‘Women in Technology’ at Jane’s Blog: Café LeClair.

Official Website: http://ecwomenintech.eventbrite.com/

Added by Mike Lesczinski on June 4, 2012

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